Own this Moment

Vulnerability is the gatekeeper that leads you towards opportunity. I wrote my last post on the power of owning your story. And the more I walk with God, the more I discover not only the power to own your story, but the power in owning your disappointments.  Three days after my 23rd birthday, I got…


52 weeks ago, I celebrated my 21st birthday and here I am again celebrating my 22nd. One of the best ways you can be intentional with your life is to always be growing. The decisions you make today determine the stories you tell about your life tomorrow. So, the best decision you can make is always the next one. People who never get started leave no room for ambiguity. Therefore, decide today to take steps that will move you closer to becoming all that God has made you to be. I know that It takes a lot of courage and bravery to step out in faith but we were not meant to stay confined within the limits of fear.

Take Courage

What is stopping you from reaching your goals? What is holding you back from taking that trip, starting that business, publishing that book, losing that weight, writing that song, filming that tutorial……?( and the list can go on forever……) I believe it is not because we lack motivation to start something or, because we have lost the drive to complete it.

Living Fully Alive

“True Bravery isn’t feeling no fear- it’s being afraid and moving forward anyway.” Hard times unlock the doors to places you could not get into any other way. It is in the waiting that God does his greatest work. I can boldly confess that because it is where I am at today. It is when we find joy in the waiting being confident that He will do it that, our Heavenly Father begins to create new things in our lives.

Getting it Right

trusting God completely, you’re no longer at the mercy of circumstances, other people, or your own emotions and limitations. It’s all about following God’s leading, standing on His Word, and then resting + trusting Him to work on your behalf.


We have a choice when it comes to the way we see things. Some people are like thermometers; always alerting us when things aren’t right. But others are more like thermostats. These people determine the temperature in the room. Their words, their thoughts and their actions set the atmosphere. Are you a thermostat or are you a thermometer? Light is often used as a metaphor for teachings that bring wisdom and understanding into the hearts of individuals. Jesus is the light of God within us.

Outnumbered Yet Undefeated.

This has been a desert season; yet, I’ve learned that God often speaks clearly in the valley. Every time I neglect the simple yet profound truths of who God is, I choose to forget that God is on the throne, He is in control and that there are far greater things ahead than those that I leave behind.

Faith Talks

Have you discovered what you are passionate about? What is something that sets your heart on fire and, that you want to make a priority in this new year? Don’t wait until next week or next month to begin making an action plan; Start NOW! Our dreams are not independent from God, but instead exist because of God.

Wisdom to Go the Distance

The word go is not the father’s plan to disorient you but His attempt to develop you.

Where you look at is where your car is going.

He will do the showing, if you will do the going.

Faith is an interpretation of progress even in the midst of pain.

What is on you is subject to what is in you.

Risen, Empowered and Confident

Don’t let yesterday’s pain keep you from the bright future the Lord has designed for you.  Your happiness does not rely on your circumstances changing, but on you changing how you see your circumstances.

Be Confident in knowing who God is and allow Him to move in your life!

Fear originates itself in self-centeredness.

Confidence and Boldness is found when we lose ourselves in Christ.