You have Overcome!

When you understand that Christ lives in you and gives you the power to overcome, you have the ability to change your perspective. You have to decide if will you be affected by the people and situations in your life or will you affect the people and the situations in your life.

Grace Over Perfection

I spent too many hours stuck on the pursuit of what this world classifies as perfection. Since it is something I am unable to attain, it’s a foolish pursuit that doesn’t yield any fruit. Grace is the ability to walk in freedom knowing who my identity is founded in and from that understanding, my words, my thoughts and my actions are a reflection of the confidence given to me by Christ.

​ It’s Time to Flourish

Every New Year begins with a list filled with resolutions. Resolutions are great but, they don’t mean anything if you don’t create tangible steps to accomplish them. My desire for 2018 was to begin differently than any other year. I decided that the pain of where I was was far greater than the pain of change. And we are five days in and, I can confidently say that I have.

Stress, Not Today.

When you are stressed out, you’ve taken on responsibilities of things you don’t have the power to carry. Jesus is not surprised by your stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. He instead invites you to walk with Him so He can give you the peace you are seeking.

Battle Ready

When there is trial and difficulty that is the place where you and I grow the most. Our actions dictate who we become, which is why we must live intentional and consistent lives on average days. God is always preparing and, He is preparing you for something.

Living Fully Alive

“True Bravery isn’t feeling no fear- it’s being afraid and moving forward anyway.” Hard times unlock the doors to places you could not get into any other way. It is in the waiting that God does his greatest work. I can boldly confess that because it is where I am at today. It is when we find joy in the waiting being confident that He will do it that, our Heavenly Father begins to create new things in our lives.

Getting it Right

trusting God completely, you’re no longer at the mercy of circumstances, other people, or your own emotions and limitations. It’s all about following God’s leading, standing on His Word, and then resting + trusting Him to work on your behalf.

How it all Came to be

Faith is the process of adapting your behavior, your decisions, and ultimately, your whole lifestyle so that it is in sync with what God has asked you to do—without needing to see the evidence that it will all work out in the end.So, when you put Flourishing by Faith together, you are living a life that says:

I pray and then believe.

I expect and then see.

I ask and then I receive.

I am not easily discouraged or paralyzed by fear or insecurity.


We have a choice when it comes to the way we see things. Some people are like thermometers; always alerting us when things aren’t right. But others are more like thermostats. These people determine the temperature in the room. Their words, their thoughts and their actions set the atmosphere. Are you a thermostat or are you a thermometer? Light is often used as a metaphor for teachings that bring wisdom and understanding into the hearts of individuals. Jesus is the light of God within us.

You’re Next!

Stop resisting the process by which God is trying to reveal himself through. The future will require more of you. Most of us go kicking and screaming instead of moving into it with an assuredness that not only is God on the other side, but new facets of Him that we haven’t discovered yet and are also there.